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Within the pages of “Changed,” you’re invited to share your testimony of how your life has been transformed in every aspect—speech, morals, values, patterns of thinking, and beyond—since welcoming Christ into your heart. Document the profound shifts in benevolence, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, love, and patience that have enriched your soul and illuminated your path.
This journal is more than just a blank canvas; it’s a sacred space to reflect on the divine grace that has shaped your journey and empowered you to become a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness. Each entry becomes a testament to the miraculous power of faith and the boundless love of Christ.
Whether you’re a seasoned believer or a newfound follower, “Changed” is your companion on the road to spiritual renewal and personal empowerment. Let your testimony inspire others, affirm your faith, and celebrate the miraculous transformation that is possible through Christ.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

Unlock the power of forgiveness and transform your life with “Forgive.”
Are you tired of carrying the weight of unforgiveness? Do you long to experience the freedom that comes from letting go of past hurts?
In “Forgive,” you’ll embark on a journey of healing and transformation that will empower you to release resentment, cultivate compassion, and reclaim your peace. Drawing on timeless wisdom and practical insights, “Forgive” offers a roadmap for navigating the complexities of forgiveness.
Through thought-provoking, soul-nourishing reflections, this book guides you toward a deeper understanding of forgiveness and its profound impact on your life. Whether you’re grappling with betrayal, grappling with anger, or struggling to let go of past wounds, “Forgive” provides the guidance you need to embark on a journey of healing and reconciliation.
Say goodbye to bitterness and hello to a future filled with joy, freedom, and boundless possibility.
Take the first step on your journey to healing with “Forgive” today.
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Embark on a transformative journey with “The Transformative Power of Biblical Forgiveness” journal, crafted to guide you through the profound and liberating process of forgiveness.
In this beautifully designed journal, discover the power of letting go, healing wounds, and embracing a future filled with compassion and understanding.
Through introspective prompts and thoughtful exercises, explore the depths of your emotions and confront the challenges that hinder forgiveness. As you delve into your own narrative, witness the gradual emergence of a profound sense of inner peace.
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Do you know the events that happened during the week before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? It’s called the passion week.
This week brought to fulfillment many Old Testament prophecies concerning the mission of Jesus Christ here on earth. How he glorified the Father by doing His will and dying on a cross for fallen mankind. How he was resurrected from the grave to give new life to all those who would have faith in His name. How His shed blood on the cross brings forgiveness and healing between God and mankind. And the most amazing fulfillment is His right to give eternal life to anyone who puts their trust and faith in Him.
Everyone should take this week journey to gain an understanding of the divine plan of redemption of mankind by the God Almighty. Everyone should receive the blessing that comes with the truth about the salvation experience of God. Take your moment and read the story. Don’t let it slip by you.
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For some reason, it appears as though many Christians do not believe they can speak out against sinful thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors they see manifest in other Christian’s lives. God has given us a moral compass to use in our daily interactions with each other so when we see another brother or sister in Christ drifting away from God’s morality, we are held accountable to be a facilitory agent in their lives for spiritual growth and maturation, specifically, as it pertains to God’s moral standards.
Scripture mandates every Christian to confront one another through a process of confrontation called Nouthesia which facilitates a return to living by God’s moral compass. Read Nouthetic Guidance and get a full understanding of how iron sharpens iron in the kingdom of God.
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If you are someone who always wanted to know what the Bible was about, then this publication is for you. Through the words of Jesus Christ, you will gain insight into the Father’s motivation and love for mankind. You will come to understand His purpose of reconciling the world unto Himself by giving His only begotten Son to die on a rugged cross at Calvary.
Jesus will help you learn about the meaning of eternal life with the Godhead. Jesus will teach you what the requisite is for salvation. You can be assured that you will be blessed by reading this publication.
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This is a compilation of various blog articles written by Elder Hillman concerning issues in the Christian community, as it pertains to the growth and maturation of the born-again believer in Jesus Christ.
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Biblical counselors face a daunting challenge; the counselee’s mindset. As a by-product of today’s societal degradation, the counselee comes to seek help for their issues with the baggage of depraved moral values. The biblical counselor must address this depravity with boldness and resolve if a change is to happen.
The challenge to the counselor is in their effectiveness of employing the methodology of head-to-head combat or engagement. Lose this battle and no permanent resolution of the issue will be evident in the life of the counseled.
This short writing gives the biblical counselor insight into the dynamics of this head-to-head combat and challenges them to reflect on their preparedness to give godly counsel.
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Biblically confronting another believer when they are in error is mandated in the scriptures. Many believers have difficulty living out this mandate because of their lack of understanding concerning biblical counsel.
Wouldn’t you love to be in a right understanding of how to give godly counsel to those who need correction and guidance instead of shying away for fear of hurting them or damaging the relationship you have with them?
Biblical Confrontation: cloak of counsel gives insight into the dynamics that undergird biblical confrontation. After reading the material, readers walk away with confident assurance that they can carry out the mandate given to all born-again believers to make disciples and teach them to obey what God commands.
Learn how you can be a person who can effectively do this without damaging relationships or friendships.
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Have you ever given thought to the language used in the kingdom of God?
Many Christians find themselves to be somewhat illiterate when it comes to their level of understanding of the meanings of the words God uses in the Bible. It is therefore important for the born-again believer to become a student of this language and demonstrate a degree of fluency in its usage.
Kingdom Language – Volume One, though not exhaustive, is a journey into God’s words. The reader will gain refreshing insight into the wonders of God’s words. Hopefully, they will be stimulated to give further study to God’s way of speaking to those who are citizens of His kingdom.
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There are many people in the kingdom of God who are illiterate concerning God’s language and wonder why they cannot experience the abundant life God promises them. One reason could be their lack of knowledge of what Christ demands. Another could be their lack of desire to study God’s word. And still, another could be their hesitancy to follow what Christ has told them to do. Regardless of the reasons, Christians are not “functional illiterates” concerning their walk with God.
Forgiveness is one area where this illiteracy abounds. Forgiveness is a spiritual dynamic that affects the lives of every human being, but more so, the lives of all born-again believers in Jesus Christ. Whether you have been the victim of an offense, or you have been the one offending someone else, you will eventually have to deal with forgiveness at some point in time.
Kingdom Language – Volume Two – Forgiveness was written to bring biblical insight and wisdom into the hearts of those born again believers in Jesus Christ, who struggle and sometimes fail with the command to “forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.” The journey begins with an examination of the deception that an apology is not forgiveness, and ends with the examination of God’s utilization of the believer as a minister of reconciliation; an ambassador of Christ in the stewardship of the grace of God in the extension of forgiveness.
Take a moment and allow the knowledge of this volume of Kingdom Language to bring illumination and edification into your heart and mind that will transform your life forever.
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This workbook is specifically designed as a tool for persons carrying a deep-seated issue of unforgiveness that they have had no success in bringing to resolution and/or reconciliation. Though many people struggle with forgiving others, if the truth be told, it is not their heart’s desire. People want forgiveness and want to forgive others (if they could get past the hurt!)
This workbook, along with its companion textbook: Kingdom Language – Volume Two – Forgiveness is an answer to prayer. Conjointly, these texts, along with a certified facilitator will walk a person through the arduous task of unshackling their hardened hearts toward their offender by renewing their mind and understanding of what biblical forgiveness is all about. They will be able, by the end of their journey, to release the guilt of offense from their offender because of how the Lord has healed and prepared their heart to extend mercy into the life of the one that hurt them.
This work is crafted from the Word of God for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
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In your daily devotional reading time, I’m sure you have had many occurrences of the Lord speaking to your heart.
Usually, you ponder those thoughts in your mind for a moment or two, and then they are gone. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could capture those moments?
With this journal, you can record those moments and have them for a lifetime. You can have them as divine encouragement. You can revisit them as often as you like with the assurance you will never forget them. How does that sound? What a treasure!
Click the photo to order your copy today.

And you thought doing a word search was challenging. Well, this Bible word scramble book has synonyms of some of the most frequently used words in the kingdom of God.
It is designed not only to be hard but to be extremely challenging. If you believe you are up to the challenge of successfully completing all of the word scrambles in this book, then purchase your copy, put on your thinking cap, find a quiet place so no distractions will interfere with your concentration, and give it a go.
May your level of frustration be at a minimum so that you won’t give up.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This book features 50 Bible Word Search Puzzles with 25 words that are used throughout the Bible.
It is a wonderful tool to get insight into the wealth of synonyms associated with frequently used words in the Bible. Both new and seasoned believers will find the puzzles informative and challenging.
Take out a pen or pencil and start having fun!
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If you like doing word searches, this publication is for you. It contains 100 word search games that will keep your mind occupied for hours.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

Word find puzzles will give you hours and hours of fun. These 100 word find puzzles will stimulate your love for doing word searches, and the answers for each puzzle can be found in the back of the book. Enjoy.
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Record in this journal every time you pray to God for His assistance in your time of trouble, strife, sickness, fear, anxiety, etc.
Make a note of when each request has been answered by Him and how it was answered. And always remember the instruction from Philippians 4:6 (Amplified version) – Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.
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This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Grandmother. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Grandfather. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Father. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Mother. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Uncle. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Aunt. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Brother. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Sister. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Son. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Daughter. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Husband. As you remember various things about him, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget his value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.

This journal will be a collection of the most treasured memories of your Wife. As you remember various things about her, jot them down in this journal and you will begin to experience a peace that only God can give, that will facilitate the healing of your sense of loss. Your memories are what will let you never forget her value and worth.
Click the photo to order your copy today.
